About Lake Superior
Lake Superior is the largest and deepest lake in North America, located on the borders of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Ontario in Canada. Known for its vast coverage’s of surface and volume, which covers approximately 31,700 square miles and with the maximum depth of 1,332 feet’s.
Around 200 rivers feed into Lake Superior offer more crystal clear and stunning natural beauties including rugged shorelines, islands, sparkling and gentle waves and multiple parks and relaxing spaces. Due to its supportive nature and ecology making it one of the perfect landscapes for the fishing, shipping and home of diverse wildlife’s.
Although, its contribution to the local economy is much supportive, like tourism and local ecosystems. Despite that, its rich cultural and historical heritages, local cultures, unique flora and faunas and historical communities will add more value and spirit to your Lake Superior Journey.
Related Search: Torch Lake, Michigan.
Lake Superior Fish or Fisheries
Largest freshwater lake, Lake Superior is home to the 52 unique fish species which all are part of the lake’s diverse temperatures and unique habitants. Fish species include Lake Trout, Lake Whitefish, muskellunge, northern pike, smallmouth bass, walleye, Atlantic salmon, brown trout, crap, Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, rainbow trout and many other species.
Lake Superior will help you to catch some of the favourite fish species like Salmon, trout, walley, smallmouth bass, northern pike and perch. Backpackers will choose any form of fishing piers or they can hire a charter. Charter fishing boats available near Lake Superior, Duluth, Two harbours, Silver Bay and Grand Marais.
Fishing in Lake Superior is one of the greatest, common and sought after activities, especially during certain times in a year. Fishes like Coho Salmon and Lake trout are available for fishing during specified periods of time in a year. So, make sure that at what time would you want to catch fishes?
Some of the Popular Fish Species
1. Lake Trout
Out of top fish species, Lake Trout is considered as the most popular for consumption. Naturally, these fishes live in the deeper sections of Lake Superior and grow upto 7 to 12 pounds. But in some cases, Lake Trout can be found at even 60 or more pounds. Naturally Lake Trout catch small insects, midsize fishes, crustaceans and freshwater shrimps.
2. Salmon
Lake Superior holds some of the world’s best and unique species of Salmons like Coho, Chinook, Pink, and Atlantic salmon.
Coho Salmon
Coho Salmon were introduced to Lake Superior in the 1960’s. This seeks ideal water and ecological conditions like Lake Superior has. Coho Salmon grow up to 26 inches and there is no such physical difference under Coho Salmon throughout the world. From late September to October months are considered the best season to catch Coho Salmon.
Chinook Salmon
Another famous sort of Salmon in Lake Superior, often known as ‘King Salmon’. Chinook Salmon are good in number in the Lake that will come close to the shores of the lake when water heating’s, usually they seek cooler temperatures and go deep during summer.
Pink Salmon
Most unique Salmon species is also available to catch under Lake Superior. Called ad “Humpies”, having a hump on their backs. Including the features same like Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon, spend its adulthood across the lake and when spring comes Salmon migrates to the different parts of the Lake.
3. Lake Whitefish
Most consumed fish over a period of time in Lake that is Lake Whitefish. Since fish have small heads and light silver body color, it is easy to identify. Most species of fish can grow up to 20 pounds and it eats shrimp, small insects, small fishes and fish eggs. Lake Whitefish has a more historical significance in Lake Superior and it was harvested for long periods.
4. Sea Lamprey
Migrated fish species “Sea Lamprey”, came from the Atlantic Ocean, through St. Lawrence Seaway. Sea Lamprey is a parasite, it will grow upto 8 to 12 inches consisting of long and skinny nature. It looks like a round mouth with many rows of teeth. Kind of Vampires which latch other fishes and suck its bloods.
Lake Superior Scary Facts
There are some of the Mysterious and Scary Facts held by Lake Superior, which are unknown or hidden truths of this Great Lake. Let’s see;
1. Most Dangerous Depth
Lake Superior has a maximum depth of 1332 feet, considered as the deepest of the Great Lakes. Its deepness and volume of waters create the most dangerous and strong currents waves, posing danger to the swimmers and boat riders.
2. Lake Superior having a Tragic Past
When it comes to Shipwrecks, Lake Superior contains more notorious historical backgrounds. Due to its versatility, weather conditions, sudden storm effects, dangerous waves witnessed more than 350 incidents of vessel sinking’s, and loss of lives.
3. Most Strange Water Temperature
Its cold water temperature makes every visitor think. Its frigid water condition during summer exceeds 21℃ or more. This temperature always makes us fall into the lake very easily and it is difficult to rescue ourselves.
4. Lake holds Hazards Things Within
The Lake Superior floor is filled with many hazards things like boulders, submerged logs, and old wrecks. These all things come beneath the lake when sudden storm effects and waves are occurred. It will be dangerous for scuba divers and boat riders too.
5. Home to Haunting Monster
According to ‘Folklore’, a Native American tribe strongly believed that a “Lake Superior Monster” lived under the lake for many years. It is a monstrous creature often described as a giant serpent or dinosaur.
6. Extreme Ice Coverage’s
During winter Lake is filled by the massive ice coverage, often covering more than 90% of its surface areas. Extreme ice coverage leads to more hazardous conditions for travel and also more danger once ice melts.
7. Place Surrounded by the More Number of Murder Cases
Yes, Lake Superior is a place where a number of murder are recorded. Although a famous destination, more number of disappearances including travellers and miners cases were recorded. Even today it is a home for a number of unsolved mysterious cases, ghost stories, and unknown activities.
8. Lake Producing Toxic Algal Blooms
Over a period of time, Lake is vulnerable to algal blooms, which are so harmful and create toxins within the lake. This Toxic Algal Blooms will threaten aquatic life, adversely affect drinking water and health of the visitors and surrounding wildlife’s, those who come into contact.
9. Most Versatile Weather Condition
Weather conditions in Lake Superior could be more challenging and versatile in nature. Changing rapidly due to the storm’s forming, strong winds and large wave’s affects weather shifts from time to time. So, it is not an ideal place for recreational activities such as boating, fishing and swimming’s.
10. Lake Negatively Affects by the Pollutions
Lake is diminishing its travel spirits yearly due to pollution from air, water and noise. Despite being the cleanest of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior is negatively affected by the industrial pollutants. Contaminated runoff and toxins in fish can lead to more serious ecological consequences and health problems to visitors and people.
Related Articles: Lake District, England.
Q: How Deep is Lake Superior?

A: Lake Superior is depth of 406 meters or 1,332 feet’s. Located 180 meters above sea level, considered as one of the coolest and deepest lake in the world.
Q: Where is Lake Superior?
A: Located on the Central North America sharing its borders to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Ontario in Canada.
Q: How Long is Lake Superior?
A: Largest of the 5 great lakes, Lake Superior is stretches 350 miles from west to east and 160 miles north to south.